Isha Yoga saves Life!

Shannon shares how she felt that Isha yoga has saved her husband's life:

Later that evening, in the intensive care unit,
Ken looked up at me and flatly stated

“Isha Yoga saved my life”. 

He told me what he had experienced during the day, and he said he kept reminding himself  of what he learned in the IE program.  This allowed Ken to do what was needed.  He says he would not have been able to make it back to his vehicle in the field, if it were not for what he learned in the IE program. 
P.S: Thanks for sharing this, Bryan!

The Little Hut

Prabhu shares a poem:

I even lost the little key
you gave me to unlock my handcuff

Another Gift

Afrin shares her BSP experiences:
We floated around the rest of the night, on an unexpected cloud. A gift from him. Another gift..

A Boon sans penance

Praveen Sultana shares her experience of meeting Sadhguru:
My eyes became wet as I began to dissolve and started to meditate.
A boon sans penance!
(Thanks Ram Nath for sharing this in his blog. This article originally appeared in Forest Flower September 2008 edition.)

The Dude

Afrin shares 'her mission':
and we ended up watching a 50 minute long DVD video of Sadhguru and the 'newbies' wholeheartededly declared that Sadhguru is the dude. Am glad.