Disruptive market place ahead!

Balaji writes about the latest Isha Business:
"....Typically, a for-profit spin-off by a non-profit kills both. But given the background of the man in the helm of Isha Foundation - Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Isha Business will be a proof by exception and possibly game changer too. Prior to his intense Yogic Experience at the wilderness of Chammundi Hills, Mysore, Jaggi Vasudev was a successful entrepreneur. And there is no dearth of talent, expertise or access for Isha Foundation to take Isha Business to success. Non-profits wakeup! Disruptive market place ahead!..."
Read the full article here: http://labsji.wordpress.com/2007/09/24/isha-business-a-potent-bold-way-to-fundscale-social-ventures/