Rajadurai attends the silence program

Rajadurai shares a piercing poem about his experience:

Daring to sneak into your world
I stepped inside that hollow space

As a worm I crawled behind you
You took me by hand when I feared

As a child, I refused to swallow
As a Mom, you fed me with care

O' I was truly on your Lap!

Chanting in that cruel darkness,
I breathed your breath poisoned

Venomous ecstasy shaking my core,
The Serpent teased me no limit

Swaying between Bliss and Stillness,
I wept and dissolved incessantly

O' you were taking me for a ride!

You exploded me with your sounds,
And I danced to your tunes

Undecipherable, the moments were!
Unquenchable, my thirst was!

Tasting a droplet of You
Left me madness personified

Longing to take a plunge in you,
And pitiably aware of my stock,

I screamed in pain. O' you heard.
You peeled it off and freed me out.

Pot cracked; honey dripped
Wall collapsed; flood roared
O'I breathed freedom

Breathing this unknown clarity
Leaves me in tears untold

Drenched in your merciless Grace,
I see God beyond the Façade

What do I have worthy of?
To thank you with!
What am I worthy of?
To be at your feet!

When all that is, and that isn't, is you!
I know of nowhere to miss you, Sadhguru!

May I only breathe the venom,
And crawl within you, gently,
With your Grace!

AUM, Namah Shivaya!


Unknown said...

That's it! That's it! That's it!