Thank you!

Vani shares her experience after her Inner Engineering program.

"I have completed my online inner engineering program with Sadhguru. It has been an inner roller coaster ride. Certain revelations of life have greatly helped me live joyfully and peacefully. Inspired by Sadhguru's words, a poem has flown out of my heart."


It was the moment of twilight on the Ganges
When the sun was just below the horizon
I stood across the river immersed in golden darkness.

In oneness with the presence around,
An awareness awakened from deep within
To explore my belief of the horizon and go beyond the brim.

With my being full of will and might
And the yearn to cross the realm.
I embarked a little boat on the shore of the Ganges.

I rowed and rowed with faith and fervor
While the sun travelled its course.
The scenery blossomed from dawn to dusk with colors all vibrant and

I seemed to have travelled a long way
With the changing visions of life
But the horizon was still far from my reach and reason.

I had blinked not once all this while
Lost in the magnificence of life
But just to ensure my chosen path, for once I looked behind.

The illusions dropped all at once as I turned towards the source
My boat was moored to the earth and it never left the shore
O’ my belief had propelled only as far as the rope’s length would go.

At once I plunged into the depths of the river
Where layers of earth were deep asleep
And From the clutches of rocks down below, I jolted the anchor free.

The oars dropped
For their purpose was served
And my boat now drifted by its own nature.

It was twilight again on the Ganges
When the peripheries ceased to be
The Ganges took my boat along, all the way to the sea.

Thank you so much for all that you have given to me.


Anonymous said...

How to thank - very beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

very nice ...